How Do StabiX Amphibious Boats Work?

StabiX amphibious boats can move effortlessly from land to sea without the need for a trailer or tractor. The amphibious wheels system is hydraulically driven and designed to lift and lower in transition from land to water. 

How the Anura Amphibious System Operates

StabiX boats are fitted with Anura amphibious systems (petrol or electric, all-wheel drive)  with integrated steering. 

Launching your StabiX Amphibious Boat

Launching is simple.  

Once you have reached your desired destination, start the Anura Amphibious system, engage the wheels and unload your StabiX from the trailer on land using an easy joystick control, or simply drive directly down the beach and into the water, observing all the local conditions and hazards. 

Engaging the Power for Movement

Once you are confident your StabiX is in a suitable depth of water, you can start the outboard engine and set the throttle to a low speed. 

The boat will begin to float as the wheels lose contact with the ground, allowing you to slowly increase the throttle to move forward.

 Once the outboard motor is in control, lift the wheels, which is as simple as clicking a “WHEELS UP” button.

Returning to Land – Lowering the Wheels

Start your inboard amphibious engine on approach and when you are close to land, lower your wheels by using a simple “WHEELS DOWN” button. Once your wheels are fully lowered, you can continue driving the boat towards land.


As the wheels make contact with the ground, you can begin to use your inboard engine joystick to drive the boat onto the shore and turn off your outboard motor – it’s as easy as that.

Key Components of the StabiX Drive System

The Anura amphibious all-wheel drive systems navigate land and water with stability. StabiX amphibious boats have the option of a 4th wheel, with two at the front to spread the weight more evenly on soft surfaces allowing for better traction.

Make the Most of Exciting New Technology

No longer do you need a tractor to launch your boat at the beach or wait in line at a busy boat ramp.

You can be the envy of other boaties and save time for out on the water with a bespoke StabiX amphibious solution. 

Start your build journey today and discover how StabiX can elevate your boating experience with a personalised build, innovative engineering, and top-quality craftsmanship. 

Your next adventure is waiting.


Land & Sea Adventures Made Easy: Benefits of Amphibious Boats


Beginner's Guide to Owning an Amphibious Boat